Wednesday 29 April 2015

Care For You"Miscarriage"

Are you pregnant for first time? Or are you having problem of recurrent miscarriages? Read this detailed article. This article will cover possible reasons for miscarriage, preventive steps not to have miscarriage, myths related to miscarriages. Few simple steps can keep you and your pregnancy safe and healthy. 
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful thing happen to a women in her life. We plan a lot, we dream a lot and we want to enjoy every moment of it as generally it happens to once or twice in our life time. And most beautiful things related to pregnancy is the final gift we get, the baby. Seeing little toes make us forget every pain we had during pregnancy or during delivery. Nine months long wait becomes so sweet at the end that we forget everything tough which we faced during it.
But at times dreams of seeing a little creature in our hand went broken by mishap. Miscarriages are worst thing happen in very good time. Lets know more about it and how to avoid it.
Most common causes of miscarriage

It is said that in 15 percent of known pregnancies, miscarriage occurs. At times there are no defined reasons. It just happened is the only reason we come to know. But few thing we need to know, to prevent miscarriage.

1.     Chromosomal problems

At times body of pregnant women may not produce enough progesterone which is necessary to make supporting lining in placenta. This lining helps in holding and protecting baby. This is not very common so not tested in every case. But in certain cases where miscarriage is found to be repeated or multiple times then test for this is taken.

2.     Intake of excessive caffeine

This is what people think to be most common reason of miscarriage. There are no direct explanation to this but it is found that who take more caffeine have more miscarriages. It is believed that it passes the lining of placenta and cause harm to baby and pregnancy. This may also lead to other abnormalities as it effects developing cells.
Little intake is fine but those who are addicted to high amount are advised to avoid it as much as possible. So avoiding intake of caffeine is first and essential step if you are pregnant or planning for this.

3.     Excessive intake of alcohol, drugs and Cigarette

As caffeine is harmful so are these. Excessive addiction of these things lead to repeated miscarriage. As we all know these are harmful for a normal human too and these are very dangerous for a pregnancy. Those who consume alcohol, are on very high chances of having abnormalities or miscarriage. In some cases confusion is there, if they had some alcohol before knowing about their pregnancy. It is fine. You can go for normal regular test during pregnancy to find if any abnormalities are there. But for sure if you are confirm about your pregnancy once, you must avoid alcohol, cigarette etc.

4.     Uterine Abnormalities and Incompetent Cervices

These are medical conditions which leads to miscarriage. Scar tissues or uterine fibroid leads to miscarriage. Weak cervix or say incompetent cervices also lead to miscarriages. These type of complexities need regular medical care for its treatment. In such cases one may have many miscarriages if original problem is not fixed yet. Even late miscarriages are found in such cases as these cervices may be able to held fetus in but on becoming big and heavy fetus do not get enough support.
These cases are noticed much later when a women undergoes several miscarriages. And only treatment for this is surgery where an additional support can be given to cervices. And in case of uterine septum surgery is required.

5.     Thyroid Problems and Uncontrolled Diabetes

These both are hormone related. Women who are suffering with these problem must take doctors consultation and medicine before planning their pregnancy. Actually due to these environment in uterus remains no favorable for fetus and it becomes hard to survive.

6.     Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This problem occurs only with those, who do not have regular menstrual cycle and ovulation. This is presence of more male hormone. In such cases when women do not have diabetes history, insulin production is restricted by this problem. And again it causes to not making proper lining for pregnancy.

7.     Bacterial Infections

There are several type of microorganism found in organs of human. There are few microorganism which are harmful and may lead to problem in pregnancy. These bacteria avoid proper lining development inside uterus. Proper treatment can avoid miscarriage caused by these. These may be known to women before pregnancy, in such cases proper treatment should be taken earlier.

8.     Immunologic Disorders

In some rare cases due to some immunologic disorders women body discards fetus or do not allow it to develop. In such cases body rejects own tissue or fertilized egg as it consider it as something from outside which may be harmful to body. This is rare case. Miscarriage happening due to such reason is tough to avoid. Still some antibodies can help in this.

Myths related to miscarriage

Women producing baby since origin, so there are few myths related to pregnancy and miscarriage co exist since then. Few most common are explained here.
Exercises lead to so, staying in bad mood or over stressed cause miscarriage

Most of the women show agreement to this. But this is wrong to think that cautious activity or exercise may lead to miscarriage. In fact light and proper exercise prepare women for labor pain and in maintaining healthy pregnancy. Until your doctor advise you to take bed rest, stay active and do exercise. Keep few points in mind like no over stretching and conditions like where one can slip or can cause harm must be avoided.
Similarly stress or depression cause miscarriage is like another myth. Most of the women have mixed feeling about their pregnancy or other things during pregnancy. This do not cause miscarriage, however this should be told to doctor if women is noticing that this is happening to her more often. Depression during pregnancy must be reported to doctor too. People working under stressful situation should not think it is tough to keep their pregnancy healthy for long. There is no proof of any relation between stress and pregnancy. Other thing due to stress like intake of alcohol, cigarette or any harmful drug, these activities may lead to miscarriage.
Symptoms of miscarriage

Symptoms of miscarriage are severe pain and bleeding. However it is normal to have little bleeding during first trimester. Blood clots and severe pain are main symptoms of miscarriage. At times, this may not be sudden miscarriage, it may be long and painful. In any case you must consult your healthcare provider and must told everything happening to you and inside you. In some cases, treatment after miscarriage is also required.
In any case, miscarriage is disappointing and upsetting so one must stay brave and allow it to pass away. In some cases mixture of feeling like guilty, pain, grief, shock may come but one must understand that to move on is only solution.
Different kind of miscarriages

Miscarriages can be classified according to the way of miscarriage happen and to what extent. Five kinds of miscarriage are like, threatened miscarriage where bleeding happened with cramps but cervix is still closed. Here some chances are there that pregnancy may continue if conditions supported but in many cases this results in to miscarriage only.
Inevitable miscarriage, where bleeding happened and cervix also opened. Miscarriage is for sure. Another kind is incomplete abortion where some of the tissue may come out while some stayed connected inside.
In case of complete miscarriage there is no much requirement of treatment as all tissue come out. And last kind of miscarriage is missed abortion where, pregnancy ended still tissue remain inside. There proper treatment is required to take out those tissues. However human body is expected to leave those dead tissues but in some cases it do not come out.
How to reduce chance of miscarriage

Natural ways
Avoid caffeine, and anything which can lead to miscarriage. Make your body and organs strong before and during pregnancy.
One must take care of proper diet. Those who are planning must have nutrient dense fertility diet. Diet having nutrients which may help in taking care of your egg, helping in building lining of placenta. And diet which creates healthy nutrient store for fetus.
One should also take eatable which help in producing hormonal balance.
Important steps to take before pregnancy

One must take omega 3 and multivitamin before planning pregnancy. B6, B12 and folic acid must be taken to help to help you during your pregnancy. One can also consider fertility or abdominal massage.
If you are facing recurrent miscarriages.

If one is facing it multiple times, then it is important to know the exact reason. Bed rest is also suggested in such cases. Proper diet with bed rest minimize chances of miscarriage.
In case, reason for recurrent miscarriage is from hormonal imbalance, uterine or cervix related problem or immunological problem, then suggested steps like test of progesterone level before pregnancy can help you in determining right time to go for pregnancy.
Even in case of immune related problems systematic enzyme therapy should be taken before planning pregnancy.
When is this right time to try again

If miscarriage happened first time and there is no major reason seemed to caused it, then one can go for planning pregnancy.
One must consult doctor to know possible reasons for this. If any problem is diagnosed where treatment is needed then proper treatment should be taken before planning next pregnancy. Otherwise as soon as one's body start normal cycle, one can feel ready to go for planning pregnancy again. If this problem is recurring, proper reasons and treatment accordingly is must. One must consider suggestion from health care provider to when to plan again.
Stay brave and live strong

Life is good to everyone. Up and down were always there and will always be there. We must learn to go with it whatever is coming in our way. Miscarriage is disappointing but one must go on and should prepare for beautiful time.
Even if you have tried many things and these do not seem to be working, consult some other doctor. If something big or inability to produce baby is reported to you, there is no need to be discouraged. You are a lovely person and have all right to love. You can decide to serve and love orphan babies or can go for adopting a baby. If you are a good human, you will be able to love that little one equal love as you would have given to your own biological offspring.

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