Monday 25 May 2015


This is for first time I am writing abide from the toipic of this site but as a human its my morale duty and right to aware others whats going wrong in our world ,Islamic State militants are using children — including the mentally challenged — as suicide bombers and human shields, according to officials from a UN watchdog that also reported the terror group is killing, torturing and raping Iraqi kids.
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report Wednesday in Geneva in which it said it has received reports of “several cases of mass executions of boys, as well as reports of beheadings, crucifixions of children and burying children alive.”
“We are really deeply concerned at torture and murder of those children, especially those belonging to minorities, but not only from minorities,” committee expert Renate Winter said, Reuters reported. “The scope of the problem is huge.”
The terror group has been using Iraqi boys younger than 18 in dangerous missions during US-led airstrikes, said the agency — adding that children have been killed or badly wounded during airstrikes or shelling by Iraqi security forces. Others have died of “dehydration, starvation and heat.”
ISIS has committed “systematic sexual violence,” including “the abduction and sexual enslavement of children,” the report said.
Victimized children included Yazidis, Shiites and Christian Muslims as well as Sunnis, Winter said.
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“We have had reports of children, especially children who are mentally challenged, who have been used as suicide bombers, most probably without them even understanding,” she told Reuters.
“There was a video placed (online) that showed children at a very young age, approximately 8 years of age and younger, to be trained already to become child soldiers.”
“Children of minorities have been captured in many places … sold in the marketplace with tags, price tags on them, they have been sold as slaves,” Winter said.
Eighteen independent experts worked on the report by the UN agency, which reviewed Iraq’s record for the first time since 1998.
The agency called for Iraq to “take all necessary actions to ensure the safety and protection of children and their families.”
The experts acknowledged that the Iraqi government faces “tremendous challenges” in ISIS-controlled areas. But the committee said “some of the problems had existed before [ISIS] and were inherited.”

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