Tuesday 5 May 2015


Finding a Natural Skin Care Routine

Finding a natural skin care routine for your skin type Finding a Natural Skin Care Routine
Skin care products can be a major source of toxins for many people. Most are packed with chemicals and artificial ingredients that might have a temporary positive effect on the skin, but will have negative long term effects.
These artificial ingredients can also be absorbed into the skin and build up in the body.
The good news is that there are natural, simple and inexpensive options that actually work better than most commercial products, and without all the harmful ingredients.
In general, the natural oil cleansing method is a great solution for any skin type, though the combinations of oils varies based on skin type (see below).
The best combination of natural skin care options varies based on skin types:
Oily Skin
Switching to gentle and natural skin care options often goes a long way toward removing excess oil production, but in the meantime, there are some natural ingredients that can help prevent breakouts and remove excess oil.
To Exfoliate: A mix of equal parts sea salt and oil (like olive or almond) creates a natural scrub that will help remove impurities without stripping excess oils.
To Cleanse: Oil Cleansing is my go-to cleansing method for any skin type. Generally, those with oily skin will need a higher amount of castor oil in relation to the other oils to keep skin from becoming too oily during transition. In general, a half and half mix of castor oil and olive oil or even a 2/3 castor oil 1/3 olive oil mix seems to work best.
Moisturizing/Toning: Those with oily skin will need less moisturizing as skin adjusts, and often, the natural oils from oil cleansing are enough. If not, a very light layer of coconut oil works, or for those who find that too oily, a diluted apple cider vinegar toner helps keep oil at bay. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water stored in the fridge works great…
Natural Make-up options can also help tone down excess oil.
Normal/Combination Skin:
I’ve always loved that term, because really.. what is “normal” skin anyway…
Those with skin that is not typically oily or dry and that responds well to different types of products and makeup usually adjust very quickly to natural skin care options. Those with this type of skin also usually can use a variety of different options and still have good results.
My skin was more oily when I was younger and as I’ve transitioned to natural skin care options, it has become more “normal” so these are the options that I use:
To Exfoliate: A homemade sugar scrub is a wonderful natural exfoliator. Here are some of my favorite recipes.
To Cleanse: Oil Cleansing is a wonderful option for every skin type, but is very balancing for normal/combination skin. Usually a mix of about 1/4 castor oil and 3/4 of another oil (olive, almond, etc) works great, but this can be adjusted to suit individual skin. Here is the full tutorial on oil cleansing.
To Moisturize: Those with normal skin tend to do well with most moisturizing options and often don’t need anything additional as a moisturizer. When needed, my favorite options are natural lotion bars or a tiny bit of homemade lotion. Even a dab of coconut oil or shea butter alone often works great for this skin type.
Natural Make-up options usually work wonderfully on this type skin as well.
Dry Skin
Those with dry or aging skin often benefit immediately from natural skin care options. Often, using natural oils on the skin helps the skin to balance oil production and stop being dry to begin with.
To Exfoliate: Often, exfoliating is not needed for this skin type, but a gentle homemade sugar scrub can be a way to add natural oils  and gently remove dead skin. Here are some of favorite recipes.
To Cleanse: castor oil is the more drying oil in oil cleansing, usually only a tiny amount is needed (about a teaspoon of castor oil in 1/4 cup of another oil like olive or almond).
To Moisturize: Homemade lotion bars, super-moisturizing homemade lotion, and whipped body butter are all excellent moisturizing options for dry skin types. Plain organic shea butter can also be a simple and effective option.

Natural Anti-Aging
There are a ton of anti-aging products available but the best options are the ones you take internally. All of the collagen products that are supposed to firm up skin don’t take into account that collagen must be produced internally and is too large to absorb through the skin.
To promote natural collagen production, I’d suggest using coconut oil as a moisturizer and taking GelatinFermented Cod Liver Oil/Butter Blend and Vitamin C to support natural Collagen production internally.
Supplements for Skin Care
I’m firmly convinced that what you put into your body is just as important, if not more so, than what you put on it when it comes to skin health. I used to have terrible acne and since changing my diet and supplements, I don’t break out at all and my past scars have healed. The supplements that seemed to have made the biggest difference in skin health for me are:
  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil– for the Vitamins A, D and K, Omega-3s and Antioxidants, all which are great for the skin.
  • Gelatin – Which is a pre-cursor for collagen and has made my hair, skin and nails noticeably stronger and smoother (great for cellulite too).
  • Magnesium– An anti-inflammatory and lacking in many people’s diets. Topical Magnesium Oil seems to be the most effective for skin health.

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