Friday 8 May 2015



Stoke and heart attack are very common among older people. In most cases their hearts stop by such sudden attacks otherwise they live being paralyzed. And the risk increases during the winter season. Initially we thought that females are not generally affected by these diseases. But recent survey shows that numbers of females affected by heart attack or stroke are higher than numbers of males. But these problems can easily be avoided by taking some precautionary measures if we know the causes of these diseases. So,  let's have a look at the causes, symptoms and prevention of heart attack and stroke.
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Symptoms of stroke

Generally symptoms of stoke depends on which part of brain is affected as such the symptoms vary from patient to patient. However, some common indications which are seen among the patients after stoke, are as follows:
  • In most cases patients feel no sense on one side of their body.
  • Instead of senseless patients may feel a portion of their body weaker than other side.
  • Sudden feelings of vertigo is a common symptom of stroke.
  • Patient may feel heavy headache suddenly after being affected by stroke.
  • Patients may become speechless often. Sometimes infirmity of words may be seen in case they can speak after stroke.
  • Vision-less is another symptom of stroke. In few cases it is seen that patient sees dual images of each object. Sometime they do not become sightless but they start to feel everything fuzzy.
  • Patient may have a chance to become senseless completely after stroke.
  • Vomiting is another after symptom of stroke.
  • After stroke some patients cannot keep the balance of their body weight properly as such they feel uncomfortable to walk.

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Definition of heart attack

If the normal blood supply to the heart gets blocked or acutely reduced due to the blood clot created by breaking the plaque formed by depositing fat or cholesterol in the arteries, the heart muscles becomes damaged as such heart function gets disturbed which is called heart attack.

Symptoms of heart attack

  • Chest pain, either light or severe, is the prime indication of heart attack.
  • Irregular pulse beat is another major indication of heart attack.
  • Irregular breathing is also a noticeable sign of heart attack.
  • Perspiration without any reasons. In means patient start to perspire heavily not doing any work or not due to hot weather.
  • A continuous pain along both sides of back along with the hands.
  • Patient often feels week after the sudden attack.
  • In few cases patients become senseless after heart attack.
  • Continuous sneezing as well as cough is another indication.
  • Sudden swell at knee and heel is also a sign of the disease.

Causes of stroke and heart attackImage result for CARE FOR HEART

Probable causes which are considered as the main risk factors of stroke as well as heart attack are as follows:
  • Excessive stress
  • High blood pressure
  • Presence of high level blood cholesterol
  • Smoking habit
  • Habit of consuming alcohol
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Diabetics
  • Family history of stroke
  • Consumption of spicy and oily food regularly

Precaution of stroke as well as heart attack

  • If you have a tendency of high pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, you have to take necessary precaution to keep the level of those under control.
  • Exercise daily. It keeps your pressure under control. It keeps you fit.
  • Avoid spicy and oily food habit obviously.
  • Never neglect if you feel chest pain irrespective of its degree of texture. Consult with doctor immediately.
  • Exclude sweet from your diet. Try to consume less carbohydrate and fat.
  • Don't be emotional or stressed suddenly.
  • Leave addiction to tobacco and alcohol.
  • Mind it that rate of such attacks increase during winter. Accordingly, don't escape from home suddenly during winter. Whenever you go to cold weather, you should wear warm clothes strictly.
  • Finally, do not be disappointed at all. Try to be happy always.

First aid measures in strokeImage result for CARE FOR HEART

If you suspect that someone has had a stroke:
  1. Hold the patient so that he cannot fall down and then lie down slowly.
  2. Call an ambulance immediately. Emergency treatment is highly recommended in case there is a clot in the brain. Try to admit the patient to any nursing home or hospital at the earliest so that treatment can be started within one to two hours.
  3. Check whether the patient is conscious or not. If one is attacked by stroke, he may not be able to speak. So, grasp his hand and ask him to press your hand. If he can respond, it means he is conscious otherwise not.
  4. If the patient is conscious, try to keep his head as well as shoulder up using a pillow.
  5. Loosen his clothes so that he can feel comfortable.
  6. Clean secretion, if any, from his mouth.
  7. Don't allow anything to drink or eat.
  8. Assure him that there is nothing serious and ambulance is on the way.
  9. But if the patient is unconscious, you have to put your efforts more cautiously. First of all, check whether his airways are clear or not. If not, turn him into a side keep his head slightly backwards and downwards. Clean and clear his airways by your finger.
  10. While his airways are cleared enough, check whether he is breathing or not. If not, it is more serious condition. Turn him keeping his chest up. Start chest compression with your two hands keeping fingers interlocked. If he still does not breathe after almost twenty five compressions, give mouth-to-mouth breaths. Continue both the procedures until he starts breathing or the ambulance reaches.

First aid measures in heart attackImage result for CARE FOR HEART

If you suspect that someone has had a heart attack:
  1. Hold him first and help him to sit down gently.
  2. Loosen his clothes to be comfortable.
  3. Don't show him any nervousness.
  4. If he used to take any medicine for chest pain for a known heart condition according to any doctor's prescription, assist him to take the medicine.
  5. If pain still persists, call for an ambulance for emergency.

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